Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Bookish Confessions

'Top Ten Tuesday' is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is 'Top Ten Bookish Confessions'. Don't judge! 

1. I've read all of the books in the Twilight series ... I REALLY needed to know what was going to happen next! 

2.  I never offer to let someone borrow a book. Even when they're hinting that they totally want to borrow it I'm like "oh yeah it's so good, and I bet you could even find it at a used bookstore!"

3. When I was younger I read these really bad teen romance books ... well not that much younger. Like yesterday. I am too weak to resist. 

4.  I almost never buy books from independent bookstore. So ashamed.

5. I worked at Chapters Bookstore (Bookstore chain in Canada) for one season and I actually ended up giving them money - they would pay me and then I would spend more than my pay check on books. 

6. I buy multiple copies of books. Why do you need 4 copies of Pride and Prejudice? WHY? 
7. When ever I go to a discount bookstore, after I sit down a calculate all of the money I saved. (nerd alert!) 

8. I have read Anna and the French Kiss, way too many times. (and have subsequently overloaded on it's adorableness!)

9. Sometimes I'll put my book in a plastic bag, inside my school bag or purse, just in case something leaks or spills so it will be completely safe. 

10. For YEARS I pretended to be afraid of the dark so that my parents would leave on the hallway light and I could strain my eyes and read books after my bedtime. I now wear glasses. 


  1. I never alllow people to borrow my books either and I love rereading things I love as well.

  2. #1 - YEP. Same here! Definition of guilty pleasure for me.

    #4 -- When Borders was still around I would always go to one nearby over my indie bookstore (which I totally love). I got better deals at Borders and it was a time when a few dollars saved matter. Oh wait that is still the case haha. Secondly, my indie bookstore is in the middle of our downtown which is super busy and NO parking and you have to pay for parking. Borders was wiiiiide open parking lol.


  3. I had to laugh at #10 :-) And actually, I don't think I've ever even set foot in an independent bookstore.

    Tanya Patrice


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