Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top Ten Favorite Kick-Ass Heroines

'Top Ten Tuesday' is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is 'Top Ten Favorite Kick-Ass Heroines'.

1. Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter Series ... Hello? She is completely kiss-ass! Breaking rules, taking down the Ministry of Magic (i.e. Umbridge), her bookish tendencies, and ALWAYS sticking with Harry. Hermione Granger totally deserves to be on this list. 

2. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games Trilogy … Need I say more?

3. Tris Prior from the Divergent Trilogy ... Total Kick-Ass Heroine. SHE JUMPS FROM MOVING TRAINS. And all that other super bad-ass stuff. Simply awesome.  

4. Pippi Longstocking ... Okay, so not a normal choice, but come on. She lives on her own in Villa Villaculla (?), rides around on a horse, is ridiculously strong and does not give a &^$* about what people think of her style decisions.  

5. Ree Dolly from Winter's Bone ... Basically real life Katniss Everdeen (both characters were incidentally played by Jennifer Lawrence in the film adaptations). Family oriented and not afraid to kick some ass.

6. Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone ... Karou can literally kick-ass. Super independent, brave and mysterious, she is definitely worthy of this list.

7. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice ... How many girls TODAY would be able to tell off Darcy the way that Elizabeth does ... and then marry him a few months later (it was all just a big misunderstanding right?). Elizabeth has balls, which is not necessarily always a great thing, but she does have them. Thus, Ms. Bennet totally kiss-ass in a non-literal, feminist sort of way.

8. Nancy Drew from the Nancy Drew Books ... Nancy Drew was always taking on CRIMINALS. Hello? Is this safe? NO! When I read these books I'll I could think was 'WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?'. Oh Nancy! I'm surprised your kick-ass-ness did not lead you to your death.

9. Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind ... So Scarlett is no doubt the most kick-ass heroine. She literally refuses to die (i.e. be boring). Can't get the man that I want? Marry someone else. Morning him is no fun? Dance! No money to fix Tara up? Whore your self out. Oh, that didn't work? Steal your sister's boyfriend. Basically, get your second husband killed? Make-out session with Rhett Butler at the wake! Mess up your whole life, again? Just think about it tomorrow. Oh Scarlett how I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Great list! 5 of these are on my TTT too!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know


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